Saturday, October 25, 2008


感情真的可以用一个check list 来打钩 评分吗?是不是如果对方完全符合要求,分数还是要优等以上才可以进一步呢?这样去凭一份感情 会不会太理智了呢?? 难道就要完全 忽略本身的感觉吗?难道不是对的感觉和对的时机最重要吗?原谅我是个不太现实主义者,无论经过多少岁月的吹残,我依然还是觉得感觉是最重要的。。。不要叹息我的不理智,我总觉得如果我连这仅剩的一点信念都没有了,凡事都完全在计算 及预料当中, 那我的人生也就没有精彩和惊喜可言了!如果check list上是满分!这个世界上就有100%可以打赢的战 吗??恕我不可以认同这种理智的做法!!!
我还是希望保持我那对感情仅有的一点点的期望, 或许有一天我会改变我的想法,但是那一天也就是我放弃的一天。。。

(不好意思,随便写一些而已,不要太serious..因为欣欣很少写这么serious 的题目吧 :P。。。)


kevinpnp said...

I would agree with you. I think everything in this world cannot be predicted or forecasted accurately. There's always the 'human factor' which brings in uncertainties. Haha.... Sounds very nerdy leh....Haha...

It is actually this uncertainty which brings in the 'joy' and 'sadness' to this world. For example, why would ppl enjoy gambling? Because it's full of uncertainties. Hehe... What do you think?

Shang Seen said...

It depends on ppl's thinking, u cann;t force ppl to accept ur point of view, ofcos i agree with u (but not that gambling habit!!)
People just different!!!