Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Updating News

Today is the 2nd day of work, manage to bump into a malaysian on the shuttle bus (serving from train station to office since the office is quite far (about 10mins drive) from the town). Invited to join the "malaysia+ international "group of people for lunch at the cafe. Although just met 1 chinese girl, 1 malay guy and 1 indian guy from msia, but at least there are msian right....
Later evening, My boss call me and ask whether I am keen on taking up a short relocation job (6 weeks) in singapore office....Muahahahahhaha, without 2nd though, ofcos i said yes to him :)
so that i can fly back home twice a week (since we have cheap air asia and jet airway now ).
So lets keep our finger cross that this relocation will be succesful! Boss just sent over my resume to singapore office....hopefully will see u all soon again in KL????
The best way is to sent me back to London after my brother's wedding and at the same time, Rain will be back in London already :) and we can start the 2nd part of our europe trip.
God, Pls help me although i know i am a bit greedy to ask....

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