Monday, December 8, 2008


To make myself more miserable, i received a call from my high school friend who i used to meet up in London, informing me that she decided to leave UK for good.
Y everybody is leaving? Y leave me alone here????? The only last close friend in UK also decided to leave UK......What shd i do??
I am not very easily influenced person but u must understand how important friends are especially in oversea!
Looking at their leaving, i feel sad yet happy for them to be able to find their dreams and working hard toward their goal.
Good luck to my friend........
接到朋友的电话,还很好心的叫我要有心理准备,有一个消息要告诉我。多么希望她会告诉我她即将要结婚了! 那我一定会替她感到高兴的!随之的竟然是她已经决定了离开伦敦,打算回国生活。。 我愣了一下。。。。

那我以后该找谁来诉苦呢?谁能够 陪我去喝下午茶呢?



Anonymous said...

Yap, be strong yeah, I believe you can find another friend there eventhough he/she won't be the same kind of friend.

VoonVoon said...

be strong dear...
i dunno what to say, as ii truely understand ur feeling,
well, life has different stage and direction~ u will find what u want one day...., but dun take too long, ok??

Shang Seen said...

or it might never comes, or i shd say i dunno what i am looking for? need time to think......