姜花。我喜欢那淡淡的姜花香 和漂亮鲜艳的颜色
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
干物女= 自由女神 ??
对应之前所写的干物女, 为什么干枯?应为没有爱情滋润, 缺社交生活。干物女为什么没爱情?应为他们根本不想要。
当终日担心30 岁前嫁不出去的女生自怨自艾,干物女 不认同拍拖是一件非做不可的事,反而觉得不如一个人自由自在, 宁可一个人窝在家里,享受独处的时间。
干物女 有着跟年龄不符的慧根,看穿市面上的男人都是“裙脚仔“, 无谓堕入拍拖的圈套,牺牲自我照料大男人的起居饮时,生理需要和情绪反应。
很多女生都有“公主情意结“, 幻想一个梦幻婚礼,渴望穿上婚纱的一刻,不惜为结婚而 结婚。婚后,梦幻打回原型,后悔也 嫌迟。干物女眼见母亲一辈,婚后要不当上全职家庭 主妇,要不拼命工作后回家做家务,受丈夫气。他们自我意识强,重视个人发展,不要做男人的依附。 如果 有人取笑你是干物女, 请优雅一笑,说声“爱情诚可贵,事业价更高。 若为自由故,两人皆可抛。“
干物女 的同义词应该是自由女神。
P/S: 某些程度上,我是认同的,但我拼不认同结婚一定是错的选择。也不是每一个男人都是不好的。。。。
放上网 只想和大家分享一下,笑一笑吧!
当终日担心30 岁前嫁不出去的女生自怨自艾,干物女 不认同拍拖是一件非做不可的事,反而觉得不如一个人自由自在, 宁可一个人窝在家里,享受独处的时间。
干物女 有着跟年龄不符的慧根,看穿市面上的男人都是“裙脚仔“, 无谓堕入拍拖的圈套,牺牲自我照料大男人的起居饮时,生理需要和情绪反应。
很多女生都有“公主情意结“, 幻想一个梦幻婚礼,渴望穿上婚纱的一刻,不惜为结婚而 结婚。婚后,梦幻打回原型,后悔也 嫌迟。干物女眼见母亲一辈,婚后要不当上全职家庭 主妇,要不拼命工作后回家做家务,受丈夫气。他们自我意识强,重视个人发展,不要做男人的依附。 如果 有人取笑你是干物女, 请优雅一笑,说声“爱情诚可贵,事业价更高。 若为自由故,两人皆可抛。“
干物女 的同义词应该是自由女神。
P/S: 某些程度上,我是认同的,但我拼不认同结婚一定是错的选择。也不是每一个男人都是不好的。。。。
放上网 只想和大家分享一下,笑一笑吧!
从字面上的意思来看,就是指像 香菇,干菜,干贝或干鱼等干巴巴的女人,他们只顾着在职场上奋斗,而私生活却缺乏爱情的滋润,甚至是已经放弃了恋爱!
干物女 在白天以光鲜的OL 身份出现,上班时埋头苦干,下班后却没有约会,假日也总是找不到节目,所以唯有躲在家里不出门,换上宽松的便服,随便夹起头发,一个人追连续剧, 上网,喝啤酒,自得其乐。
1. 随便站在厨房吃东西。
2. 最近让自己脸红心跳的事只有爬楼梯。
3. 忘记东西也懒得脱鞋,直接以脚尖踩地板到房间拿。
4. 假日也不化妆也不穿胸罩。
5. 半年以上没上美容院。
6. 只有夏天才除毛。
7. 一个人也敢独自到热闹的餐厅吃饭。
8. 不管额头看起来有多高,在家一定把头发随意夹起。
9. 爱穿宽松的运动弹性布料,整体看起来不搭也无所谓。
只要符合了以上5 点,那么你就是干物女了!
(以上 转载于某杂志)
P/S: 惨咯!! 我符合了超过5 点以上!! 唉宰!唉宰!
干物女 在白天以光鲜的OL 身份出现,上班时埋头苦干,下班后却没有约会,假日也总是找不到节目,所以唯有躲在家里不出门,换上宽松的便服,随便夹起头发,一个人追连续剧, 上网,喝啤酒,自得其乐。
1. 随便站在厨房吃东西。
2. 最近让自己脸红心跳的事只有爬楼梯。
3. 忘记东西也懒得脱鞋,直接以脚尖踩地板到房间拿。
4. 假日也不化妆也不穿胸罩。
5. 半年以上没上美容院。
6. 只有夏天才除毛。
7. 一个人也敢独自到热闹的餐厅吃饭。
8. 不管额头看起来有多高,在家一定把头发随意夹起。
9. 爱穿宽松的运动弹性布料,整体看起来不搭也无所谓。
只要符合了以上5 点,那么你就是干物女了!
(以上 转载于某杂志)
P/S: 惨咯!! 我符合了超过5 点以上!! 唉宰!唉宰!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mom and Auntie Kim's Birthday
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ancasa All Suite Apartment
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
“哇!温室效应呢!天气很反常啊!“天气是英国人常扯的话题。常常在无话可谈的时候, 谈天气准没错了。我本人就 总觉得有一点无聊。
英国今年的天气实在是有一点无常。伦敦在复活节下了今年的第一场雪。当时我人在巴塞罗那,没有看见这场春天雪。心想 今年可就没机会再看见白茫茫的伦敦了。没想到在我临回国前两天,英国再一次的飘下150 年罕见的四月雪。
睡梦中被小雨的尖叫声 惊 醒了,还没搞得懂是什么一回事,就见小雨冲了进来 嚷 着 说下雪了,下雪了。拨开床边的窗帘一看,天啊!白茫茫的一片,煞是好看!往上一看,鹅绒般的雪花一大片一大片的飘下,轻轻的落在地上,把整个原本绿油油的草地都铺上了一片雪!
我就这样躺在暖绵绵的被窝里 看着外面的雪景, 直到小雨和美仪把早餐给弄好了, 我才懒洋洋的从被窝里钻出来, 享受那热腾腾的早餐。
伦敦最后的一周, 小雨特地 从中国 赶回来聚一聚。每一天晚上,我们都会出去吃一顿特别的晚餐。心 里想着,在近期内我们三个也就没办法再坐下来一起吃饭了, 心中总是不期然的浮现出一点点地伤感。
回想起这两 三年的生活,应该 怎么去形容呢?马不停蹄?奔奔波波?
应该是从我加入东洋开始吧,2004 年3月,我做了人生中的一个很重要的抉择,我选择了加入东洋,开始了我设计工程师的生涯。工作了6个月就被工司派去日本工作。这一去就去了6个月,当中的甜酸苦辣就 只有自己知道。工作的苦就撇下不讲了,我趁这机会也游玩了不少地方,下次你可以请教我有关东京 游 哦。富士山,箱根,日光,轻井泽, 京都和大阪 我都还有很多的 资料。
回到来马来西亚, 直接就接下了我第一个工程,一个人 焦头烂额,七手八脚 的忙了一年,才把案子搞好, 那也已经是2006年中了。
接下来的一场工程 可以说是跨国合作。日本,新加坡和马来西亚三边走。又在日本待了3个月,新加坡 待了3个月。 常常 睡醒了也不知道自己身在何处。 总希望 可以 停下脚步休息一下。
就在工程 刚刚好完成的时候,我拿到了到英国工作的机会。几经考量,离开了对我还蛮不错的东洋,展开了我人生的另一个旅途。。。
"Wah! GreenHouse effect! Un predictable Weather!" weather is the most common thing to talk in british. Whenever u r running out of topic, weather is the best to talk. Personally, i think it is a bit boring to discuss about it.
This year weather in UK is a bit abnormal. London has her first snow during easter. I was away that time in Barcelona and i missed the spring snow. Thinking that I will never see the white london again in this year. Just 2 days b4 i leave UK, London has her 2nd snow again , after 150 years to have snow in April.
Awaken by Rain shouting" its snowing!!!" I look out from the window beside my bed, OMG, everything is cover by the white snow!
Staying in my warm and confortable bed, i enjoy watching the snow falls from the sky, like goose feather,covering everything with white...
Last week in London, Rain purposely arrange her trip ack to london in order to spent sometime together with us. Everynight we went out to enjoy some special food. Everytime when i think that this might be the last time that 3 of us sit together in oversea to have dinner, i feel a bit sad. They are my friends who spent most of the time together in this foreign country especially travelling around europe.
Thinking back to the pass few years, I make a big decision to join Toyo Engineering as Instrument Engineer in 2004. After 6 months, I was sent to Japan headquater for training and job. I got the chance to travel a lot of places during my 6 month stay in Japan.
After returning to Msia, I got my first solo project which took me 1 year to complete it. from design to construction to commissioning. By then, it is already mid of 2006.
the next job is a multinational job, japan, singapore and Malaysia. I always travel between this 3 country and i spent 3 months in japan, another 3 months in spore. When I wake up in the morning, I always wonder where am I...Always pray for some rest time...
After successuly commissioning the Spore job, I get the chance to work in London. After detail consideration, I left Toyo, which treated me so good , to start a new chapter of my life in oversea..........
......to be continue........
英国今年的天气实在是有一点无常。伦敦在复活节下了今年的第一场雪。当时我人在巴塞罗那,没有看见这场春天雪。心想 今年可就没机会再看见白茫茫的伦敦了。没想到在我临回国前两天,英国再一次的飘下150 年罕见的四月雪。
睡梦中被小雨的尖叫声 惊 醒了,还没搞得懂是什么一回事,就见小雨冲了进来 嚷 着 说下雪了,下雪了。拨开床边的窗帘一看,天啊!白茫茫的一片,煞是好看!往上一看,鹅绒般的雪花一大片一大片的飘下,轻轻的落在地上,把整个原本绿油油的草地都铺上了一片雪!
我就这样躺在暖绵绵的被窝里 看着外面的雪景, 直到小雨和美仪把早餐给弄好了, 我才懒洋洋的从被窝里钻出来, 享受那热腾腾的早餐。
伦敦最后的一周, 小雨特地 从中国 赶回来聚一聚。每一天晚上,我们都会出去吃一顿特别的晚餐。心 里想着,在近期内我们三个也就没办法再坐下来一起吃饭了, 心中总是不期然的浮现出一点点地伤感。
回想起这两 三年的生活,应该 怎么去形容呢?马不停蹄?奔奔波波?
应该是从我加入东洋开始吧,2004 年3月,我做了人生中的一个很重要的抉择,我选择了加入东洋,开始了我设计工程师的生涯。工作了6个月就被工司派去日本工作。这一去就去了6个月,当中的甜酸苦辣就 只有自己知道。工作的苦就撇下不讲了,我趁这机会也游玩了不少地方,下次你可以请教我有关东京 游 哦。富士山,箱根,日光,轻井泽, 京都和大阪 我都还有很多的 资料。
回到来马来西亚, 直接就接下了我第一个工程,一个人 焦头烂额,七手八脚 的忙了一年,才把案子搞好, 那也已经是2006年中了。
接下来的一场工程 可以说是跨国合作。日本,新加坡和马来西亚三边走。又在日本待了3个月,新加坡 待了3个月。 常常 睡醒了也不知道自己身在何处。 总希望 可以 停下脚步休息一下。
就在工程 刚刚好完成的时候,我拿到了到英国工作的机会。几经考量,离开了对我还蛮不错的东洋,展开了我人生的另一个旅途。。。
"Wah! GreenHouse effect! Un predictable Weather!" weather is the most common thing to talk in british. Whenever u r running out of topic, weather is the best to talk. Personally, i think it is a bit boring to discuss about it.
This year weather in UK is a bit abnormal. London has her first snow during easter. I was away that time in Barcelona and i missed the spring snow. Thinking that I will never see the white london again in this year. Just 2 days b4 i leave UK, London has her 2nd snow again , after 150 years to have snow in April.
Awaken by Rain shouting" its snowing!!!" I look out from the window beside my bed, OMG, everything is cover by the white snow!
Staying in my warm and confortable bed, i enjoy watching the snow falls from the sky, like goose feather,covering everything with white...
Last week in London, Rain purposely arrange her trip ack to london in order to spent sometime together with us. Everynight we went out to enjoy some special food. Everytime when i think that this might be the last time that 3 of us sit together in oversea to have dinner, i feel a bit sad. They are my friends who spent most of the time together in this foreign country especially travelling around europe.
Thinking back to the pass few years, I make a big decision to join Toyo Engineering as Instrument Engineer in 2004. After 6 months, I was sent to Japan headquater for training and job. I got the chance to travel a lot of places during my 6 month stay in Japan.
After returning to Msia, I got my first solo project which took me 1 year to complete it. from design to construction to commissioning. By then, it is already mid of 2006.
the next job is a multinational job, japan, singapore and Malaysia. I always travel between this 3 country and i spent 3 months in japan, another 3 months in spore. When I wake up in the morning, I always wonder where am I...Always pray for some rest time...
After successuly commissioning the Spore job, I get the chance to work in London. After detail consideration, I left Toyo, which treated me so good , to start a new chapter of my life in oversea..........
......to be continue........
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ang Pao, Red Packet
Chinese New Year custom, Elderly will give single a red packet (Ang Pao)which contains of some money as a blessing.
As I was away, My sister help me to collect my Ang Pao :)
I only have 10 Angpoa this year and the total money i get is RM495.
Muahahahahahaha...that is quite alot from 10 angpou :)
Cos it only come from close relative which still remember to give me as I was not around during CNY.
Thank you very much :)
Sunday Dinner in Korea Restaurant
Last dinner in London, Iranian Restaurant
A day b4 I left London, we have a dinner in an Iranian restuarant near my apartment. The main attraction of this restaurant is the very big portion of food. We normally take away the left over food for tomorrow lunch :)
Personally, Iranian food is also a bit similar to Greek food with the meze (appertizer) and Kebab.
A bit Boring.....
Hello everybody, already back to home for a few days.
Start to feel a bit boring. Everyday eat n sleep..feel a bit wasting of time.....很无聊和颓废。。。
Anybody have any part time job??
Maybe I was born to be 劳苦命,need to work n work n work then only feel satisfaction :)
(ops....sure kenal screw by those who work like hell now and needed so much for holiday's ppl)
but b4 this, i really looking forward for a long break, but now, just after a few days, i already dunno what i can do..
Any suggestion?
Start to feel a bit boring. Everyday eat n sleep..feel a bit wasting of time.....很无聊和颓废。。。
Anybody have any part time job??
Maybe I was born to be 劳苦命,need to work n work n work then only feel satisfaction :)
(ops....sure kenal screw by those who work like hell now and needed so much for holiday's ppl)
but b4 this, i really looking forward for a long break, but now, just after a few days, i already dunno what i can do..
Any suggestion?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Arrived Home Safely
Dear All,
After 12.5hr flight, plus 2 hr transit in spore and another 1 hr flight to KL, i finally arrived home safely. My first supper is Char Kui teow and Sour Plum juice :)
I have a very good flight since there is nobody sit next to me, i have 3 seat free and i just sleep for the whole journey. Anyway, still need to sleep so that i can overcome the jetlag by tomorrow.
Have a nice day!
After 12.5hr flight, plus 2 hr transit in spore and another 1 hr flight to KL, i finally arrived home safely. My first supper is Char Kui teow and Sour Plum juice :)
I have a very good flight since there is nobody sit next to me, i have 3 seat free and i just sleep for the whole journey. Anyway, still need to sleep so that i can overcome the jetlag by tomorrow.
Have a nice day!
Sorry all, I just got my document and i need to start work in 2nd June!
So i have to leave on 28th May , so that i can have enuf time to look for new accomadation.
I sincerely apologise to those that i didn't manage to meet up.
I didn't expect tat this will come so fast.
Take care !
So i have to leave on 28th May , so that i can have enuf time to look for new accomadation.
I sincerely apologise to those that i didn't manage to meet up.
I didn't expect tat this will come so fast.
Take care !
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Last Hour in my London Apartment
Now, 4.27pm, everything is ready, just have to wait for the taxi to come and pick us up at 530pm to the airport. It has been a tough day as I have to move my stuff to the self storage. Should ask for someone strong to help me next time when i move out all the thing in future....
now the apartment is clean n empty, just like when first move in...
I will be arriving KL at 9pm Wednesday!
Call my msia mobile!!
See ya!
now the apartment is clean n empty, just like when first move in...
I will be arriving KL at 9pm Wednesday!
Call my msia mobile!!
See ya!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Last night in UK
Finally, it is the last night, I will be flying back tomorrow night 2205 from London, arriving spore at 1750, fly from Spore 2000, arrive KLIA at 2100. Total journey is 16 hr including the transit in spore. Hate traveling long distance and somemore it is a transit flight. Anyway, excited to go home!!!!
My total stay is only 5 months in the UK. Overall, it has been quite a bc life since i arrived. Packed with traveling schedule and meeting up with friends and cousins. My overall feeling over this 5 month is just enjoy and enjoy. Have to admit that i haven't been serious in work for the pass few month, which i feel a bit bad by learning nothing. Sometime, i miss the tought and rush life back in toyo. Hope my next job will be more challenging.
My total stay is only 5 months in the UK. Overall, it has been quite a bc life since i arrived. Packed with traveling schedule and meeting up with friends and cousins. My overall feeling over this 5 month is just enjoy and enjoy. Have to admit that i haven't been serious in work for the pass few month, which i feel a bit bad by learning nothing. Sometime, i miss the tought and rush life back in toyo. Hope my next job will be more challenging.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Last day With Internet
Since I am leaving london on tuesday, my internet service will be terminated by monday. So, by tomorrow (not sure what time) my internet service will be terminated, which means i will not be able to online and also updatng my blog.
After returning to Msia, I might not be able to access internet as fequent as now as I will have limited access back in hometown and totally no internet at my apartment. So, call me, my msia mobile will be activate by Monday. I am sure u still keep my msia mobile number huh! or alternatively, leave me email.
After returning to Msia, I might not be able to access internet as fequent as now as I will have limited access back in hometown and totally no internet at my apartment. So, call me, my msia mobile will be activate by Monday. I am sure u still keep my msia mobile number huh! or alternatively, leave me email.
6 April, Snowing in London
Flowers in Greenwich
Us in Greenwich
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