Tuesday, May 13, 2008


地震, 对于生长在马来西亚这风调雨顺的国家的我来说,从来就没有感觉过那地牛翻身的经验。2004 年 底,我人在日本,第一次感觉到 地震。
还记得那时晚上,我已经 睡在我的榻榻米 上,突然一阵晃动,还 以为是什么大型车辆经过我的房子,晓菁 已经大声在喊了!“地震啊!我们该怎么办呢?要跑出屋子吗??“ 在我们还没想好该怎么办时,一切又恢复正常了。我们只好又睡回去。
第二次的经验,大家还挤不记得 日本新泻(Niigata) 大地震?虽然新泻 离我的所在地东京蛮远的,当时我人在internet café, 在和小雨谈天,突然又一阵晃动,这次就很明显的比上一次来的厉害。小雨叫我赶紧躲到桌子底下。这次的大地震令 日本陷入 续神户大地震以来的另一次很大的震惊。
接下来,我陆陆续续也经历过还多次的小地震,幸好日本对于防地震 的准备都很好, 人们也习以为常,但是我们还是要小心微妙!奉劝那些有到日本旅行的人,要小心哦!
Earthe quake, A phenomen that is not familiar for those who live in malaysia. I have no experience of earhtquake before until in year 2004.
Year 2004 while i was in japan, a night when i was about to sleep, suddently, i feel some shaking of the house. The first though from me was some big trunk passing by the house, my house mate already shout from her room!!" earthquake!! what should we do? shall we ran out of the house?" before we make up our mind, everything just back to normal. So we just fall back into sleep.
2nd experience, the Niigata earthquake the biggest earthquake after the kobe earthquake in 1990s., i was in a internet cafe talking to rain, and suddently the strong shake come again, Rain ask me to hide underneath the table :P.
There after, i experience a few more times. Luckily japan have very good work in earthquake prevention.
This time, the China SiChuan earhtquake, it is really a heartbreaking news. Wish them all the best and get over the tradegy soon.


Anonymous said...

"This time, the China SiChuan earhtquake, it is really a heartbreaking news. Wish them all the best and get over the tradegy soon."

I wonder why dear....you wish all the best not your sympathy to the victims?
Anyway my deepest condolence to the victims' family and hope they soon recover from it!


Shang Seen said...

Ha..pls forgive my limited english expression...sometime not manage to express much in word, but really feel sympathy to the victims and their family..