Friday, May 23, 2008

Time to Say GoodBye!

Dear All,
Sorry for the short notice, I only get my document yesterday and my new company wanted me to start work on 2nd June. So i have to leave a bit earlier so that i can get my accomadation sorted out before i start work.
I already book my ticket on 28th May , 1005am flying back to London.
Sorry for those that I didn't manage to meet up, I am so sorry!!!!!!
Thank you for those that find the time to meet me and treat me delicious meal!
Thank you so much for all your concern and calls during my stay in Malaysia!
Maybe we can meet in August as I plan to come back on 22nd Aug 2008 to attend my brother's wedding!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


把部落格换成黑色, 向四川的死难者致最深切哀悼。
Change my blog background to black,
To show My deepest condolence to the SiChuan earthquake Victims

Wesak Day

Wesak Day, celebration for the birth of Buddha. Went to temple for praying :)
Prayed for all of you, a safe and healthy life :)

House Repairing

White Cement
Colourful mosaic
Almost done.....still need to clean it a bit...

Some of u might notice, the tiles at my counter top falls out sometime ago. Finally i decided to repair it by myself :)
Sorry to my friend who almost cut his leg when the tiles falls down :P

GreenTea Tiramisu

My Sister's friend's cafe in Kota Damansara: Sit A Spell Cafe

Yummy Green Tea Tiramisu

Housing Loan Reduction

Dear All,
I think most of u are having a housing loan with bank for some time.
Do u know what is the current market offer for housing loan?
The lowest now is BLR-2.2% (but this come with a lot of rules). Normal Insterets offer rate is BLR-1.8% for 30 years!!!!!!!!
So, pls contact you bank and request them to offer u a more cheaper rate!! You can make a lot of difference in your monthly installment.
For your convenient, I hereby attached a sample for the Loan reduction Letter:
(Thank you to my brother who provided me such a detail information)

Yap Shang Seen
---Home Address--
Name of Person Incharge
---Bank Address--- ---Date---

Dear Sir,

Request For Housing Loan Interest Rate Reduction (Account No:xxxxxxxxx)

With regards to the above and our tele-conversation, the housing loan interest rate for the above mentioned account offered by XXX Bank to me is much higher than the current market rate and BLR has gone up tremendously, I wish to request for an interest rate reduction from (BLR-0.2% for year 3 to year 5, BLR-0.3% for year 6 to year 10, BLR-0.5% for year 11 to year 15 and BLR-1% for 15 years onwards, ur current bank offer) to (BLR-1.8% for year 4 to year 30) which is the housing loan package offered by most of the local bank at the moment. I sincerely hope that you could consider our request and respond to me soonest possible as for my further action.

Your kind consideration and effort is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

P/S: after u get ur reduction, dun forget to buy me dinner ya!

Friday, May 16, 2008


这黑乌乌的一盘面,看起来毫不起眼 的炒面。这是我最喜欢吃得福建面。有没有人可以告诉我为什么这面 叫福建面呢?福建是不是真的有这种面呢?喂!人在福建的小雨可不可以查证一下呢?
1。 猪油渣(也就是用猪 的肥油用高温炸 至香口酥脆, 也管不了什么胆固醇了。。)
2。 Sambal Belacan 虾米辣椒酱(相片里那红红的辣椒酱)
3. 炒面时必须要用猪骨高汤来焖敖。
4. 要用炭火来焖煮
所以说,好吃的福建面 并不容易找!而且还要不时等上一两个小时!
1. KL Tawakal Hospital 后面的大炒档,出名的还有炒啦啦!
2. KL Pudu 半山芭 一间很串的大排档,那次还要我等了 两个小时!!
3. 靠近Pudu Jail, Jalan Lok Yew 旁的福建面档!
4. Cheras, 靠近民阵大厦一间没有招牌的福建面档,就在一间棺材店旁,但是真得很多人去吃的哦!
有没有福建面的kaki 在这? 我们什么时候也去吃一顿呢?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


守在电视机旁的人,看着媒体报道这一则又一则令人心痛的消息, 画面上传回来一幅又一幅 生离死别的情景,实在是 看者心酸,闻者落泪。
已经是第3天了,大家都很疲累了吧?他们为了拯救 受困的 灾民,而不惜冒着自己生命的危险,不眠不休的在受灾的地方参与抢救工作, 实在是辛苦了!
在报纸上看到一则感人的新闻,一位老师在那千钧一发的时候,用自己的身体 挡住掉下来的水泥,保护着躲在桌子底下的4位学生,最后,这4 位同学获救了,而那老师就永远回不了家。
还有很多很多无名的英雄,在这次的抗灾救灾里,怀着以人为本的心,不分你我的奉献 一切!实在是令人钦佩!
虽然这是一场很不幸的天灾,但中国人的团结 及国家快速的救援工作,已经在国际上迎来一片好评!

p/s: 有没有人知道可以去那里捐钱啊?
p/s: Anybody have any idea where to donate money for the Sichuan earthquake Relief Fund?

Please contact Sin chew jit bao
Contact No: 03-7965 8507 / 03-7965 8522
Thank you Siaw Yunn for supplying us the contact detail!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


手里拿着一水果,怀着忐忑不安的心情,与大妹 开车到位于吉隆坡的国家心脏中心, 心想情况应该 是蛮严重的吧?
战战兢兢的踏入医院,(想不到3 天内居然还进进出出了两间 医院), 经过停尸间(天啊!怎么会经过这里呢?国家心脏中心 的停车楼 是必须要绕道停尸间 的门口!还好没有看到些不该看得东西)来到了 3 楼的病房,大妹与我都有一点怕 (由于我们真的一点也不懂老师的情况,也不知道应该要有些怎么样的心理准备),你推我让的好不容易走向病房的方向。。 正当 脑子里开始幻想着一些 恐怖的画面,突然听到陈老师那雄厚的声音在讲着电话,往声音来源的方向一看,phew~! 陈老师很健壮的坐在椅子上,拿着电话聊天。当下心情就轻松起来了!
以前,陈老师可是全校出了名的陈老虎!只要他大声一孔,全班都乖乖不得,准备被骂的 头低低,不敢哼一声。。。
谈了一下,也不敢打扰老师太久, 我们就离开了。
岁月不留人啊!! 老师要多多保重!


逼仄?? 这是什么字啊?查一查, 汉语拼音是念bi1 ze4 。 怎么啦?还是没有头绪吧?就把用这一字的人揪出问一问 吧!,啊!! 才恍然一晤。。嘻嘻,就是我们常用的广东话pek chek ! 现在应该懂了吧? 要是还不懂的话,我就会很逼仄 咯!
哈哈哈,只想让大家在这闷热的下午笑一笑:P。 好啦,该回去工作咯!
p/s: 谢谢那个正在很逼仄 得人提供 我们每日生字 :P, 不要再那么逼仄 咯!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


地震, 对于生长在马来西亚这风调雨顺的国家的我来说,从来就没有感觉过那地牛翻身的经验。2004 年 底,我人在日本,第一次感觉到 地震。
还记得那时晚上,我已经 睡在我的榻榻米 上,突然一阵晃动,还 以为是什么大型车辆经过我的房子,晓菁 已经大声在喊了!“地震啊!我们该怎么办呢?要跑出屋子吗??“ 在我们还没想好该怎么办时,一切又恢复正常了。我们只好又睡回去。
第二次的经验,大家还挤不记得 日本新泻(Niigata) 大地震?虽然新泻 离我的所在地东京蛮远的,当时我人在internet café, 在和小雨谈天,突然又一阵晃动,这次就很明显的比上一次来的厉害。小雨叫我赶紧躲到桌子底下。这次的大地震令 日本陷入 续神户大地震以来的另一次很大的震惊。
接下来,我陆陆续续也经历过还多次的小地震,幸好日本对于防地震 的准备都很好, 人们也习以为常,但是我们还是要小心微妙!奉劝那些有到日本旅行的人,要小心哦!
Earthe quake, A phenomen that is not familiar for those who live in malaysia. I have no experience of earhtquake before until in year 2004.
Year 2004 while i was in japan, a night when i was about to sleep, suddently, i feel some shaking of the house. The first though from me was some big trunk passing by the house, my house mate already shout from her room!!" earthquake!! what should we do? shall we ran out of the house?" before we make up our mind, everything just back to normal. So we just fall back into sleep.
2nd experience, the Niigata earthquake the biggest earthquake after the kobe earthquake in 1990s., i was in a internet cafe talking to rain, and suddently the strong shake come again, Rain ask me to hide underneath the table :P.
There after, i experience a few more times. Luckily japan have very good work in earthquake prevention.
This time, the China SiChuan earhtquake, it is really a heartbreaking news. Wish them all the best and get over the tradegy soon.


5 月13日,一个特别的日子。 撇开历史不讲,513-4 是我进入中华独中 宿舍的第一间房号。 (嗯,号码好像有点不吉利..)但是, 5 月13 日就顺理成章的成为我们室友的纪念日。
第一年的5 月13日,也刚好是学校的运动会!对于我这种乡下小妹来说,实在是太壮观了!学校的运动会居然实在默迪卡运动馆 举行!还一连比赛两天呢!我们一班室友还抽空一起吃了个饭,庆祝我们房间的大日子!
回想起, 这也是18 年前的事。当年的室友都已经失去联络了,只与文佩还保持着密切的联络。 也因为513 房号,我结识了我人生中第一个好知己! 那种无论任何时候都可以谈任何东西的好朋友!
说真的,当我刚进入中华,我真得很不可以适应那里的生活!一个11岁的小女孩,离乡别井的到吉隆坡 寄宿,夜里不知偷偷的哭了多少次!非常想家。功课又繁忙,真的有点吃不消!!!
一路下来,每一个周末 都怀着依依不舍的心情离开家, 到宿舍报道。每一次都在想,什么时候才可以脱离这魔抓!
在宿舍里,我们学会怎样与人相处,8 个人一起挤在一 个下房间,4 张双 层床,4 个衣橱,1 张桌子和1张椅子!每天都要排队冲凉, 而且还要在有限的时间内完成!午睡,晚饭 和自修都必须要依照规定的时间,生活很有规律!
寄宿的生活,不是每一个人都能够体会,但是,它的确是为我在日后做人处事 上,打下了一个很好的基础。
6 年的时间,我结识到一大群朋友!大家一起度过了那无数披星戴月, 楼梯口念书的日子,小考,大考 和统考的恶梦!那种中学的友谊,是永远都无可取代的!
想一想,离开中学也有10 年了!回想起,我也不知道我是怎么挨过哪6 年的日子。留在在我记忆中的,全是哪一点一滴累积回来的友谊!

Monday, May 12, 2008

生活小贴士:Tomato Flower :)

hihihi.....want to know how to remove tomato skin easily?

just cut a cross at the bottom of the bottom of tomato, pour in hot water and the skin will peel off automatically....

Still Waiting......

Hihihi...i know i has been disappear for sometime. Need to update u all about my recent movement :P
I am still waiting for my work permit :( , which the new company is proceeding with the application at this moment, so..i just have to wait loh.....
Not sure when will go back london, maybe end of May kuah ........

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thai BBQ in Sunway Pyramid

Set lunch with slices of pork, seafood and garlic fired rice, total RM11.90 for 1 person. Cheap ler
Middle is for QQB, surrounding with soup for vegi...
Thai Chili souce with own choise of additional flavour

Have u been to Sunway Pyramid recently? I think sunway pyramid has become my favourite shopping mall from now. Their Sunway 2 that link with the existing shopping mall seems to have a lot more interesting shop for shopping especially cloths.

Not to forget to praise they new parking system with the green/ red light on top of each parking lot, so that u can see where is the nearest available parking lot!

耙草,grass collecting

Big green in front of my house, best for BBQ and and function :)
Old British style house, even older then me :P

For those who visited my hometown house b4, u sure remember the big field in front of my house which i think can park more then 6 cars. Have u ever think how my family need to collect those grasses.
Phew~~~ tired ne!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


“ 欣,来帮爸爸耙一下背!“
小的时候,每天晚上爸爸总会叫我们其中的一个小鬼头来帮他耙背。每次轮到我的时候,我总是会算“1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 好啦!到爸爸帮我耙!“ 爸爸总是随便应酬式的抓一两下,就要我再替他耙背。

昨晚,应为妈妈还在医院里,爸爸第一次到我家 过夜。回到家也已经快11点了,安排好爸爸睡得枕头,刚想要离开,爸爸突然叫了我,“ 欣,来帮爸爸耙一下背!“ 那种熟悉的感觉突然涌上心头,赶快爬到爸爸的背后, 替他耙一耙背。

当双手放在爸爸的背上,突然觉得爸爸的背不再是印象中的大,一下子就可以把整个背耙完了。我记得以前我那小小的手总觉得爸爸的背好大,耙 也耙 不完, 常常还撒娇说我的手很累。现在,坐在爸爸的背后,我觉得他的背已经很驼了,皮肤也已经很干了。我不敢很大力的耙,怕伤了他的皮肤。 爸爸 要求说要大力一点,还说昨天他也叫阿怡(我小妹)替他耙背。耙着耙着,我的眼泪真的快流下来了。

回想一下,我有多么久没有替爸爸耙背了?应该是上了中学过后吧!应为我离开家到KL 上寄宿学校,星期一到六都得上课,回到家也是星期六晚上,我再也就没有帮爸爸耙背了!


就是这毫不起眼的小事,让我觉得昨晚 的月色变得很漂亮,心里也感到很满足!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cold Crab & Roast Pork

Cold Crab with vineger source yummy roasted pork.
Recently i dunno whether u notice from my blog, almost all my post are food....
So u can imagine how much weight I put on during my stay in Malaysia
Dun care ler, eat first, will keep fit when go back to UK

Steamboat, Shabu-Shabu

Last Saturday, meet up with a friend for shabu-shabu in Puchong.
Nowsaday, people really have a lot of good idea for business.
We need to q up for 1 hr to wait for the seat!!!!!!
What so special with this shop??
Normally we see rotation sushi, but this time, it is rotation steamboat!!
and it is very convenient, everybody have their individual cooking pot (iayah..i shd have taken the photo too :P)
and it is a buffet style, RM25 per person, i think it is cheap, cos u can eat prawn, mussel, thin slices of pork, lamb, and a lot more variety of choices
easily each person can eat at least 25 plate, i think i ate more than that :P
... Oishi!!! I wan to eat again b4 i go back UK!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Homemade Popiah (chinese spring roll)薄饼

See my homemade popiah, i can choose whatever i like, add as much as i like


delicious ne.....yummy yummy

Segambut Seafood Noodle

Went to try the famous Segambut Seafood Noodle. All kind of seafood ( prawn, lala, dried oyster, dried squid & fish)served with your choice of soup, Tom Yam, Curry or clear soup. Cost Rm14.00 per bowl. Not cheap ne..but delicious..

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Please watch the following clips if u have time, the 6 yr old girl is unbelievable amazing!