Saturday, July 28, 2007

Meeting my Beloved Miao

Yeah~~!! since eveybody are enjoying themselve in KK, I have my lovely miao come over to visit me tonight and she will be staying over for 1 night with me. We plan to go shopping tomorrow regardless of whether the sales is still on... (but as i know, the sales finish on 22nd july :(...
So far work done smoothly (where got smoothly happen at site geh..but at least i gone thro already lar..) so my most difficult task- loop checking is finally done (ehm..only 95% lar~~ can consider done right??? ) I now have a more relax time at site. Water flushing will start next week. If everything goes smoothly, then i can go home on time but need to be back for the startup in mid aug.

1 comment:

VoonVoon said...

Yeah~~~ is really a wonder weekend!! Romantic Riverside dinner and walk~
Crazy shopping ~ hahahaha...
both also have not bad booty...huuray~!! ^^

forget abt KK trip la~
we hate buy frozen fish :P