Sunday, November 30, 2008



Friday, November 28, 2008


还记得 你第一天到幼稚园,妈妈离开你时的感觉吗?
身在一个完全陌生的环境,第一次接触 陌生人的感觉,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


最懂得羅曼蒂克的人:雙子座男生、雙魚座女生 (kekekeke....)
用情最為專一者:  巨蟹座男生、魔羯座女生
用情最為善變者:  雙子座男生、水瓶座女生
最有女人味的人:  雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生 (compliment again!)
最有男子氣概的人: 魔羯座男生、牡羊座女生
做事最慢條斯理者: 金牛座男生、雙魚座女生 ( hei meh?)
用情最深最無私心者:巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生 (maybe....)
最有理財概念的人: 天秤座男生、巨蟹座女生
最有多才多藝的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生 (thank you thank you ;))
最缺乏才藝性的人: 魔羯座男生、金牛座女生
最有家庭概念的人: 巨蟹座男生、巨蟹座女生
心機最重的人:   處女座男生、天蠍座女生
最沒心機的人:   射手座男生、雙魚座女生 (kekekeke...izzit??!!)
最會記愁的人:   天蠍座男生、處女座女生
最不記愁的人:   獅子座男生、雙魚座女生 (i think i really cann't remember except 1 person)
做事最有計劃的人: 天蠍座男生、水瓶座女生
做事最沒計劃的人: 雙魚座男生、雙魚座女生 (i think my planning not bad...)
最大方的人:    獅子座男生、獅子座女生
最小氣的人:    金牛座男生、處女座女生
最愛乾淨的人:   天秤座男生、處女座女生
最不愛乾淨的人:  獅子座男生、射手座女生
最熱愛自由的人:  牡羊座男生、射手座女生
最愛說大話的人:  獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最謙遜有禮的人:  巨蟹座男生、天秤座女生
最情緒化的人:   巨蟹座男生、牡羊座女生
情緒最穩定的人:  水瓶座男生、天秤座女生
最有領導欲望的人: 獅子座男生、射手座女生
最甘心被人領導的人:處女座男生、雙魚座女生 ( i dun mind pun)
最善解人意的人:  巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生 (kekekek..probably??!!)
最木頭的人:    處女座男生、魔羯座女生
最心細的人:    天蠍座男生、巨蟹座女生
最粗心的人:    牡羊座男生、牡羊座女生
最會做夢的人:   巨蟹座男生、雙魚座女生 (day dreamer,kekeke used to be & sometime still)
最實際的人:    金牛座男生、天秤座女生
最會寫情書的人:  雙魚座男生、巨蟹座女生
最不會寫情書的人: 牡羊座男生、金牛座女生
最受異性歡迎的人: 雙子座男生、雙魚座女生 (izzit????)
對異性無征服欲望者:處女座男生、雙魚座女生 (pls 征服 me!)
最好色者:     金牛座男生、天蠍座女生 (OMG! Rain!!)
最不好色者:    水瓶座男生、魔羯座女生
最會調情的人:   天蠍座男生、雙魚座女生 (kekekek...wanna try?)
最不會調情的人:  天秤座男生、魔羯座女生
最愛好和平的人:  金牛座男生、巨蟹座女生
最愛引起爭端的人: 獅子座男生、牡羊座女生
最愛好自然的人:  雙子座男生、天蠍座女生
最欣賞人工的人:  射手座男生、射手座女生
最愛另類怪異者:  天秤座男生、水瓶座女生
最喜歡玄學算命的人:天蠍座男生、雙魚座女生 ( if not, i will not be posting this post)
最鐵齒的人:    水瓶座男生、雙子座女生

kekekeke, i think it is quite true for my case, at least the original me, but ppl do grow and change over the years with the living experience....but seems like pisces does get a good compliment boh.....

If u r interested, go online and check this, i think it is really accurate regarding horoscope ;)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

RM499 to London one-way, five times a week

LONDON: It’s £99 or RM499 one-way – that’s the much-awaited opening fare of AirAsia X’s latest London Stansted-Kuala Lumpur route for travel between March 11 and Oct 4 next year.
Premium seats will also go for RM1,999 one-way during the same travel period.
Online bookings begin at 8pm Tuesday night (Malaysian time) for the five times a week direct flights, AirAsia X CEO Azran Osman-Rani announced at the route launch at London’s County Hall.

Who wan to come, now can really plan liao!!!!!!!!
come come come!

Monday, November 24, 2008


认识我的人都知道,我不是个夜猫子,打从中学(小学就别提了,我晚上8 点就会被赶上床睡觉了)由于是寄宿的关系,晚上十点半,哨子一吹,大灯一关,全部都要乖乖的准时睡觉了!通常只有大考的时候,才会开一开夜车到12点,也就 再也撑不下去了。。。
出了社会,工作得太累了,11 点就到头大睡了,就连出去玩,我都会像灰姑娘似的赶在12点就回家了。。。
同事们都知道我的(坏)习惯, 就算是一起去旅行,也都会让我去自动消失去睡觉的。。。
最近天气转冷了,起床就变得更加的困难!好几次都起不了床, 其实是离不开那温暖的被窝。。

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Calls from Far

Today is last day of Qiong working in Toyo, Next saturday, he will be flying off to Korea to start his new job! All the best to u Qiong!
This afternoon while i was doing my grocery shopping, Alvin call me! informing me that all of them are having farewell dinner (dunno how many time farewell liao!) at the Hakka restaurant (hornestly, i am Hakka but how come i never been there b4 geh???? Joo!! bring me there next time!) Not sure how many of them are there but can hear all the noise (as usual where there is the toyo gang, there is the noise!). After a few chat and some special thing requested from Alvin (wink! wink!), i put down the phone and continue my shopping.
Later, Joo call me, this time they are in Karaoke, i think all almost drunk!! singing and shouting!!! I can hear qiong singing a chinese song (where i used to do the translation to him)in the background! and Joo also sing along...just like that i listen to the whole song....
Awh~~~ so touch!!! feel like i was there with them together! just feel like the same old days that we used to have............
Basically my toyo gang are all around in different places liao....hardly to get together again for a big big gathering.....I know we miss each other very much and i am sure all of them treasured the friendship as much as I did!
I is my pleasure to had such a wonderful Colleagues, Teammates, Friends, HH Kakis, Traveling kakis !!!!!!!Thank you for giving me such a precious memories while i am in Toyo!

All the best to Qiong for his new career and my best wishes to my toyo gang!
I miss all of u!!!!!
'hug' 'hug'

Snowing again b4 winter comes......

Weather forecast
Saturday Highest 3degC, Lowest -3DegC
Sunday highest 6degC, Lowest -2DegC
Maybe snow again in London on sunday morning ........
How to go out???
This kind of weather, make me desperate for a human heater :P
Cold Cold Cold

Recipe for Scone

Make 10 Scones
120g Raisin and small amount of orange juice to soak the raisins
450g Self-raising flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
120g butter
2 large egg
5 table spoons milk

To make you dough
Preheat oven to 200degC/ 400F/ gas6.
Soak raisin with orange juice
Mix flour and baking powder and butter, rub them together by hand untl the mixture starts to look like breadcrumbs.
Make a well in middle.
beat egg and milk, drain raisin and add into beaten egg and milk with a pinch of salt
Pour in to the flour mixture and mix well until u have a soft, dry dough.

Roll out the dough untils its 2cm thick, cut in to size and brush some milk on the top of each scone. Bake for 12 to 15mins until risen and brown.
Take out from oven and place into a wire rack to cool.

Homemake strawberry Jam
Crush strawberry by hand, add sugar and bring to boil until the juice become thicken.

Happy trying!!!!!!
Dun forget to serve with the traditional english afternoon tea oh!!!!!

Homemade Scone with Strawbery Jam

Mission Completed :)
Smell good, taste good and look also not bad :)
I am Happy :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Plan for this long weekend

1. To registered myself to the nearby GP (Clinic).
2. To apply provision license at post office and hence will plan for driving lesson and test at the begining of next yr.
3. Finish my long dragged Water colour painting.
4. Bake Scone and go with homemake strawberry jam. (will show photo if it is successfully made :))
If i dun show, means the process is not successful, so u also no need to ask me lar, sik do a bit lo!
See how many tasks i can finish huh..... me orang ni malas sangat 1 lor...tomorrow wake up then sien liao...dun wan to go out and will mushrooming whole day at home geh loh.......
anyway, i am happy is another long weekdn for me :)

Big Day for Siaw Ching & Chee Kiat, 22nd Nov 2008

Congratulation to Siaw Ching and Chee Kiat for your big day!!!
Sorry that I couldn't make it for ur wedding :(
May the two of you share a happy life together forever!
I am really happy for both of u !
Enjoy the big day!
Siaw Ching dun get too stress on the big day ! Enjoy it!
U still beat Me and Mee Kee to be the first to get married huh! :)
Well done :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter on this weekend

Coming weekend will be extremely cold as the cold wintery wind will come from the north! Highest temperature will be 5 degC and lowest is -1degC!!!!!
Some places might get showering snow.......
ehm...better wrap myself thoroughly and stay at home since i am going to have the friday off :)
So fast another friday again off after i return from Wales.
I will go to Manchester on my next friday off :) (5th-7th Dec)
Then the following friday off, i will be going off for my skiing trip liao (21st- 28th Dec)
Back to the topic , (kekeke, once talk about traveling, i will forgot everything liao...)
To All that in UK, pls wear more cloths starting on friday!!!!! It will be freezing ! I think it is time to gorek out my gloves liao....dunno where i put pun :P

tick, tock, tick, tock.........

tick, tock, tick, tock.........
Can u fall asleep when u had a clock that tick with sound???
Suprisingly, I am very sensetive on this sound,
I can tahan snoring or other sound but I just couldn't bare with the routine tick, tock, tick, tock sound......
It was really kind when someone do take care about this small issue :) Impressive :)

P/S: recently i had been waken up by dog barking in the middle of night! i think my neighbor put the dog outsite and it was toooo cold for the dog and he just keep on barking at night. Last night, i heard someone shout 'shut up' loud from my apartment( but i wonder whether the dog can understand or not )!!!! Pls keep ur dog inside ur home lar!!!! I already consider myself not so easy to be awaken, but still being waken up by the a result, i feel sleepy again today although i slept at 11pm last night :(

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Recently, i had been sleeping late in weekday :P.
Always chatting with friends until my Miao (in australia) and my sister (in Msia) also start their work liao.
Therefore, always feel sleepy at office especially after lunch..somemore i dun have much work to do recently...feel very boring sitting in the office ler.....
Anyway, i decided to sleep earlier from now on!
Not young liao, must keep my beauty sleep as much as possible....
Ok loh....1058pm liao..time to go to oi oi liao....
Have a nice day !!!

Inflation and Deflation

Beside Unemployment, here comes the discussion on inflation and deflation.
Normally, we only know about inflation where cost of living keep on climbing up.
Now UK worry about deflation , whereby the inflation rate become a negative figure!
Due to the decrease of oil price and food price, UK inflation rate falls from 5.2% in september to 4.5% in October! the biggest falls since 1992. Now the government worry if the spenting power is not strong, UK will go into deflation soon. Not sure how deflation will affect the whole economy but it sounds a bit serious where the government is now trying to cut interest rate and also tax to encourage people spending!
So, I guess it is time for me to help a bit on the UK economy liao :P

Cirque de Soleil- Quidam

Another year gone by, Still remember I intorduce The cirque de Soleil - Verakai in Jan 2008, went with PPL and Kris (kekekek, ah Rain pay for the ticket but couldn't make it to the show). I was a stunning performance whereby u will have to experience it by yourself. I watch it in TV b4, although it impressed me but u will feel more amazing when u watch it live!
This time, Cirque De Soleil is back with the title QUIDAM.

Below is the official website, click to view if u are interested! The show is on from 4th Jan 09 till 1st Feb 09 at the Royal Albert Hall!Dun miss it!
Click on the All Show button to view the video clips of all the available show!!

P/S: Miao, Cirque De Soleil - Dralion showing in Perth from 29th Jan till 1st March. Pls click the below link to find out more, u and Lo shd go to have a look. Heard that Dralion is much better than Quidam :)Click on the small icon n view the video clip.


记得去年六月的时候,我写过一篇关于选择的文章, 里面提到一部电影叫Sliding Door (1998)。
虽然这部片子有美女Gwyneth Paltrow 主演,但是这套戏其实并不出名,应该没有什么人看过的!
最近与朋友谈起了这一部电影,大家突然有一拍即合 的感觉, 因为大家都同样的被这套电影启发了一个想法!
有时,即使是一部 毫不起眼的电影,只要是题材对了, 就会触动到观众的心, 留下一道永不忘记的脚印。。
今天,我打算把这部戏再看一便,其实故事内容早已经忘的七七八八了, 留在心里的也只是一种感觉。。。有机会,你们也看一看吧!然后记得告诉我你的看后感哦!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Body World Exhibition

I am so happy when I found out that the Body World exhibition is coming to london!!!!
I will definately go to see it!!!!!!!!
I first came to know about this long long time ago while i think i still in high school time! at that time, i tot i will not have the chance to see it as this kind of exhibition will only available in oversea jeh....
Finally, its in london and I am in london too!!!! will plan about this since it will be here until febuary!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah! excited!
Sorry to those who get shock on the picture!!
By the way, all the things is actually from real human body and animal!!!!

From Wiki:
Body Worlds (German title: Körperwelten) is a traveling exhibition of preserved human bodies and body parts that are prepared using a technique called plastination to reveal inner anatomical structures. The exhibition's developer and promoter is a German anatomist named Gunther von Hagens, who invented the plastination technique in the late 1970s at the University of Heidelberg.
The exhibit states that its purpose and mission is the education of laymen about the human body, leading to better health awareness.[6] All the human plastinates are from people who donated their bodies for plastination via a body donation program.
Each Body Worlds exhibition contains approximately 25 full-body plastinates with expanded or selective organs shown in positions that enhanced the role of certain systems. More than 200 specimens of real human organs and organ systems are displayed in glass cases, some showing various medical conditions.
Some of the bodies include prosthetics such as artificial hip joints or heart valves. Also featured is a liver with cirrhosis. The lungs of a smoker and non-smoker are placed side by side. A prenatal display features fetuses and embryos, some with congenital disorders.
All exhibits are accompanied with detailed descriptions and audio guides with the option of beginner or advanced (for laymen or medical professionals, respectively).
To produce specimens for Body Worlds, von Hagens employs 340 people at five laboratories in four countries. Each laboratory is categorized by specialty, with the China laboratory focusing on animal specimens.[7] One of the most difficult specimens to create was the giraffe that appeared in Body Worlds 3 & The Story of the Heart. The specimen took three years to complete – ten times longer than it takes to prepare a human body. Ten people were required to move the giraffe, because its final weight (like all specimens after plastination) was equal to its original.[8]
Several Body Worlds exhibits (as well as von Hagens himself) were featured in the 2006 film Casino Royale. Among the plastinates featured were the "Poker Playing Trio" (which plays a key role in one scene) and "Rearing Horse and Rider

Me in Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle Trip 15th Nov 08

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Boiler Trip AGAIN

:( Disaster ar!!!!!!!Boiler trip again!!!!!!! I wanna cry liao! :(
suppose to upload some photo from my Windsor Castle trip de, but was too exhausted after boiling 4 kettle of hot waters and shower in the cold.....
maybe tomorrow lar..soli ar

Thursday, November 13, 2008

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Every Thursday, we will have a fire alarm test follow by safety talk.
Today’s talk is about PPE.
PM started with safety at site and safety in DIY at home.
And he says that he was surprise to find that the PPE in B&Q is expensive, so project think that it is equal important for the staff to have the right PPE at work and also at home while doing DIY, so project buy each of us a set of PPE including safety goggle, a pair of thick gloves, ear plug and also mask!
Waoh… thoughtful 1 ……

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

UK in Recession

Today's news topic, UK is probably in recession (prbably jeh meh? i tot already in recession?).
Unemployment raise to 1.82million and expected to reach 3million by end of 2009.
Government already annouce a 1.5% cut of interest from 4.5% down to 3% and today, it hints again that the interest rate will go down as a record low at 2% in order to boost the economy!
Ehm....all this figure might not sounds anything to u, but it obviously hints u that be prepare for the economy downturn storm!!!!!!

不要跟你所在乎的人 ~ 嘔氣太久

I know this story is a bit long, i copy it from a forwarded email, very touching! if u are reading it from office, i advice u better dun, cos i think u will cry after reading the whole story!

不要跟你所在乎的人 ~ 嘔氣太久~~會讓你一輩子都後悔的!!
疼惜您所擁有的珍藏,追尋您所期盼的夢想-----這是個真實的故事(蘆荻口述 連淑香整理)
接婆婆來家安度晚年﹐結果卻背離我們的初衷﹐結婚二年後﹐先生跟我商量把婆婆從鄉下接來安度晚年。先生很小時父親就過世了﹐他是婆婆唯一的寄託﹐婆婆一個人扶養他長大﹐供他讀完大學。'含辛茹苦'這四個字用在婆婆的身上﹐絕對不為過!我連連說好﹐馬上給婆婆收拾出一間南向帶陽台的房間﹐ 可以曬太陽﹐養花草什麼的。先生站在陽光充足的房間﹐一句話沒說﹐卻突然舉起我在房間裡轉圈﹐在我張牙舞爪地求饒時﹐先生說﹕'接咱們媽去。'先生身材高大﹐我喜歡貼著他的胸口﹐感覺嬌小的身體隨時可被他抓起來塞進口袋。當我和先生發生爭執而又不肯屈服時﹐先生就把我舉起來﹐在腦袋上方搖搖晃晃﹐ 一直到我嚇得求饒。 這種驚恐的快樂讓我迷戀。婆婆在鄉下的習慣一時改不掉。我習慣買束鮮花擺在客廳裡﹐婆婆後來實在忍不住﹕'你們娃娃不知道過日子﹐買花幹什麼?又不能當飯吃!'我笑著說﹕'媽﹐家裡有鮮花盛開﹐人的心情會好。'婆婆低著頭嘟噥﹐先生就笑﹕'媽﹐這是城裡人的習慣﹐慢慢的﹐你就習慣了。' 婆婆不再說什麼﹐但每次見我買了鮮花回來﹐依舊忍不住問花了多少錢﹐我說了﹐他就'嘖嘖'咂嘴。有時﹐見我買大包小包的東西回家﹐她就問這個多少錢那個多少錢﹐我─如實回答﹐她的嘴就咂的更響了。先生擰著我的鼻子說﹕'小傻瓜你別告訴她真實價錢不就行了嗎?'快樂的生活漸漸有了不和諧的聲音。 婆婆最看不慣我先生起來做早餐。在她看來﹐大男人給老婆燒飯﹐哪有這個道理?早餐桌上﹐婆婆經常陰著一張臉﹐我裝做看不見。婆婆便把筷子弄得叮噹亂響﹐這是她無聲的抗議。我在少年宮做舞蹈老師﹐跳一整天舞已夠累的了﹐早晨暖洋洋的被窩﹐我不想扔掉這惟一的享受﹐於是﹐我對婆婆的抗議裝聾作啞。 婆婆偶爾願意幫我做一些家務﹐但她一做我就更忙了。比如﹐她把用過的垃圾袋通通收集起來﹐說等攢夠了賣廢塑料﹐搞得家裡到處都是廢塑料袋;她捨不得用洗潔精洗碗﹐為了不傷她的自尊﹐我只好偷偷再洗一遍。一次﹐我晚上偷偷洗碗被婆婆看見了﹐她'啪'的一聲摔上門﹐趴在自己的房間裡放聲大哭。 先生左右為難﹐事後﹐先生一晚上沒跟我說話﹐我撒嬌﹐耍賴﹐他也不理我。我火了﹐ 問他﹕'我究竟哪裡做錯了?'先生瞪著我說﹕'你就不能遷就一下﹐碗再不乾淨也吃不死人吧?'後來﹐好長一段時間﹐婆婆不跟我說話﹐家裡的氣氛開始逐漸尷尬。那段日子﹐先生活得很累﹐不知道要先逗誰開心好。婆婆為了不讓兒子做早餐﹐義無反顧地承擔起燒早飯的'重任'。 婆婆看著先生吃得快樂﹐再看看我﹐用眼神譴責我沒有盡到做妻子的責任。 為了逃避尷尬﹐我只好在上班的路上買包奶打發自己。睡覺時﹐先生有點生氣地問我﹕'蘆荻﹐是不是嫌棄我媽做飯不衛生才不在家吃?'翻了一個身﹐他扔給我冷冷的脊背﹐任憑我委屈的流淚。最後﹐先生嘆氣﹕'蘆荻﹐就當是為了我﹐你在家吃早餐行不行?'我只好回到尷尬的早餐桌上。那天早晨﹐我喝著婆婆煮的稀飯﹐忽然一陣反胃﹐肚子裡所有的東西都搶著向外奔跑﹐我拼命地壓抑著不讓它們往上翻湧﹐但還是壓不住﹐我扔下碗﹐衝進廁所﹐吐得稀裡嘩啦。當我喘息著平定下來時﹐聽見婆婆夾雜著家鄉話的抱怨和哭聲﹐先生站在衛生間門口憤怒地望著我﹐ 我乾張著嘴巴說不出話﹐我真的不是故意的。我和先生開始了第一次激烈的爭吵﹐婆婆先是瞪著眼看我們﹐然後起身﹐蹣跚著出門去了。先生恨恨地瞪了我一眼﹐下樓追婆婆去了。意外迎來新生命﹐卻突然葬送了婆婆的性命!整整三天﹐先生沒有回家﹐連電話都沒有。我正氣著﹐想想自從婆婆來後﹐我已經受夠委屈了﹐還要我怎麼樣? 莫明其妙的﹐我最近總想嘔吐﹐吃什麼都沒有胃口﹐加上亂七八糟的家事﹐心情差到了極點。後來﹐還是同事告訴我﹕'蘆荻﹐你臉色很差﹐還是去醫院看看吧。'醫院檢查的結果是我懷孕了。我明白了那天早晨我為什麼突然嘔吐﹐幸福中夾著一絲幽怨﹕先生和曾經是過來人的婆婆﹐他們怎麼就絲毫沒有想到這點呢?在醫院門口﹐我看見了先生。僅僅三天沒見﹐他憔悴了許多。 我本想轉身就走﹐但他的模樣讓我心疼﹐沒忍住﹐我喊了他。先生循著聲音看見了我﹐卻好像不認識了﹐眼神裡有一絲藏不住的厭惡﹐這冰冷地刺傷了我。我跟自己說不要看他不要看他﹐伸手攔了一輛出租車。那時﹐我多想向先生大喊一聲﹕'親愛的我要給你生個寶貝了!'然後被他舉起來﹐幸福地旋轉。我希望的並沒有發生。在出租車裡﹐我的眼淚才遲遲地落下來。 為什麼一場爭吵就讓愛情糟糕到這樣的程度?回家後﹐我躺在床上想先生﹐想他滿眼的厭惡。我握著被子的一角哭了。夜裡﹐家裡有翻抽屜的聲音。打開燈﹐我看見先生淚流滿面的臉。他正在拿錢。我冷冷地看著他﹐一聲不響。他對我視若無睹﹐拿著存摺和鈔票匆匆離開。或許先生是打算徹底離開我了。 真是個理智的男人﹐情與錢分得如此清楚。我冷笑了幾下﹐眼淚'嘩啦嘩啦 '的流下來。 第二天﹐我沒去上班。想徹底清理一下自己的思緒﹐找先生好好談一談。找到先生的公司﹐秘書有點奇怪地看著我說﹕'陳總的母親出了車禍﹐這幾天都在醫院裡呢。'我瞠目結舌。飛奔到醫院﹐找到先生時﹐婆婆已經去世了。先生一直不看我﹐一臉僵硬。我望著婆婆幹瘦蒼白的臉﹐眼淚止不住﹕天哪!怎麼會是這樣?直到安葬了婆婆﹐先生也沒跟我說一句話﹐ 甚至看我一眼都帶著深深的厭惡。關於車禍﹐我還是從別人嘴裡了解到大概﹐婆婆出門後迷迷糊糊地向車站走﹐她想回老家﹐先生越追她走得越快﹐穿過馬路時﹐一輛公車迎面撞過來……我終於明白了先生的厭惡﹐如果那天早晨我沒有嘔吐﹐如果我們沒有爭吵﹐如果……在他的心裡﹐認定我是間接殺死他母親的罪人。先生默不作聲搬進了婆婆的房間﹐每晚回來都滿身酒氣。 而我一直被愧疚和可憐的自尊折騰得喘不過氣來﹐想跟他解釋﹐想跟他說我們快有孩子了﹐但看著他冰冷的眼神﹐又把所有的話都咽了回去。我寧願先生打我一頓或者罵我一頓﹐雖然這一切事故都不是我故意要它發生的。日子一天一天地窒息著重覆下去﹐先生回家的時間越來越晚。我們僵持著﹐比一般的陌生人還要尷尬。我是繫在他心上的死結。一次﹐我路過一家西餐廳﹐穿過透明的落地窗﹐ 我看見先生和一個年輕女孩面對面坐著﹐他輕輕地為女孩攏了攏頭髮﹐我就明白了這一切。先是呆住﹐然後我進了西餐廳﹐站在先生面前﹐死死盯著他看﹐眼裡沒有一滴淚。我什麼也不想說﹐也無話可說。女孩看看我﹐看看我先生﹐站起來想走﹐但我先生伸手按住她﹐然後﹐同樣死死地﹐一樣絕不示弱地看著我。我只能聽見自己緩慢的心跳﹐一下一下跳動在瀕臨死亡般的蒼白邊緣。 輸了的是我﹐如果再站下去﹐我會和肚子裡的孩子一起倒下的。那一夜﹐先生沒回家﹐他用這樣的方式讓我明白﹕隨著婆婆的去世﹐我們的愛情也死了。先生再也沒有回來過。有時﹐我下班回來﹐看見衣櫥有被動過──是先生回來拿一點自己的東西。我不想給他打電話﹐原先還有試圖向他解釋一番的念頭﹐但一切都已經徹底失去了。我一個人過生活﹐一個人去醫院作產檢﹐ 每每看見有男人小心地扶著妻子去做產檢﹐我的心便碎的不成樣子。同事隱約勸我拿掉算了﹐我堅決說不﹐我發瘋似的一定要生下這個孩子﹐也算是對婆婆的死的補償吧。我下班回來﹐先生坐在客廳裡﹐滿屋子煙霧彌漫﹐茶几上擺著一張紙。沒必要看﹐我知道那裡面寫了什麼內容。先生不在家的二個多月﹐我逐漸學會了平靜。我看著他﹐摘下帽子﹐說﹕'你等一下﹐我簽字。' 先生看著我﹐眼神複雜﹐和我一樣。我一邊解大衣扣子一邊在心裡對自己說﹕'不哭不能哭……'眼睛很疼﹐但我決不讓眼淚流出來。掛好大衣﹐先生的眼睛死死的盯著我已然隆起的肚子。我笑了笑﹐走過去﹐拖過那張紙﹐看也不看﹐簽上自己的名字﹐推還給他。'蘆荻﹐你懷孕了?'自從婆婆出事後﹐這是先生跟我說的第一句話。 我再也管不住眼睛﹐眼淚一瞬間嘩啦地流下來。我說﹕'是啊﹐不過沒事﹐你可以走了。'先生沒走﹐黑暗裡﹐我們對望著。先生慢慢趴在我身上﹐眼淚滲透了被子。而在我心裡﹐很多東西已經走遠了﹐遠到即使我奔跑都追不到了。不記得先生跟我說過多少遍'對不起'了﹐我也曾經以為自己會原諒﹐但卻不能﹐在西餐廳先生當著那個女孩的面﹐ 他那冰冷的眼神﹐這輩子﹐我忘記不了了。我們在彼此心上劃下了一道不可磨滅的傷痕。我的﹐是無意的;他的﹐是刻意的。期待著冰釋前嫌﹐但過去的已無法再重來!除了想起肚子裡的孩子時心裡是暖暖的﹐而對先生﹐我心是冷如冰霜﹐ 不吃他買的任何東西﹐不收他的任何禮物﹐不跟他多說一句話。從在那張紙上簽了字後﹐婚姻以及愛情統統在我的心裡消失了。有時先生試圖進臥室﹐他來﹐我就出去客廳﹐先生只好睡回婆婆的房間。夜裡﹐從先生的房間有時會傳來輕微的呻吟﹐我都一聲不響。這是他習慣玩的伎倆﹐以前只要我不理他了﹐他就裝病﹐我就會乖乖投降﹐關心他怎麼了﹐他就一把抓住我哈哈大笑。他似乎忘了﹐那時﹐我會心疼是因為有愛情﹐而現在﹐我們還有什麼?先生的呻吟斷斷續續的一直到孩子出生。他幾乎每天都在給孩子買東西﹐嬰兒用品﹐兒童用品﹐以及孩子喜歡的書﹐一包包的﹐快把他的房間堆滿了。我知道他是想用這樣的方式感動我﹐而我完全不為所動。他只好關在房間裡﹐用電腦'批哩啪啦'敲字﹐或許他正網戀吧﹐但對我已經是無所謂的事了。 隔年春未的一個深夜﹐劇烈的腹痛讓我叫了出來﹐先生一個箭步衝進來﹐好像他根本就沒脫衣服睡覺﹐為的就是等這一刻的到來。先生背起我就往樓下跑﹐攔車﹐一路上緊緊地握住我的手﹐不停地幫我擦掉額頭上的汗。到了醫院﹐背起我就往婦產科跑。趴在他幹瘦而溫暖的背上﹐一個念頭忽然闖進我心裡﹕這一生﹐還有人會像他這樣疼愛我嗎?先生扶著產房的門把喘息著﹐看著我被推進去﹐那眼神是暖融融的﹐我忍著陣痛對他笑了一下。從產房出來後﹐先生望著我和兒子﹐眼睛濕濕地笑啊笑啊的。我摸了一下他的手﹐卻是意外的冰冷先生望著我﹐微笑﹐然後﹐緩慢而疲憊地癱軟倒下。我放聲叫喊著他名字……先生依然笑著﹐但沒睜開那疲憊的眼睛……我以為這一生我再也不會為先生流一滴淚﹐ 而事實卻是﹐從沒有過的如此劇痛撕扯著我的身體。醫生說﹐我先生的肝癌發現時已是晚期﹐他能堅持這麼久真的算是奇蹟。我問醫生什麼 時候發現的?醫生說在五個月前﹐然後安慰我﹕'好好的準備後事吧。'我不顧護士的阻攔﹐回到家﹐衝進先生的房間打開電腦﹐心跳一下子被疼痛窒息了。先生的肝癌在五個月前就已發現﹐他在夜裡的呻吟是真的﹐ 我居然還以為…… 而電腦上滿滿的20多萬字﹐是先生寫給兒子的留言﹕孩子﹐為了你﹐我一直在堅持﹐我要撐到看你一眼再倒下﹐是我這一生最大的願望……我知道﹐你的一生會有很多快樂或者遇到挫折﹐如果我能夠陪你經歷這個成長歷程﹐那該有多麼美好﹐但我想爸爸我沒有這個機會了。爸爸在電腦上﹐把你一生可能遇到的問題一一地寫下來﹐ 當你之後遇到這些問題時﹐或許你可以參考爸爸給你的意見…………孩子﹐寫完這20多萬字﹐我感覺像陪你經歷了整個成長過程。真的﹐爸爸現在很快樂。好好愛你的媽媽﹐她很辛苦﹐她是這世上最愛你的人﹐也是我這世上最愛的人……從兒子去幼兒園到讀小學﹐讀中學﹐大學﹐到工作以及愛情種種方面﹐巨細靡遺都寫到了。先生也給我寫了留言﹕親愛的﹐娶了你是我一輩子最大的幸福﹐原諒我對你的傷害﹐原諒我隱瞞了病情﹐ 因為我想讓你有個好的心情等待孩子的出生……親愛的﹐如果你現在哭了﹐那代表你已經原諒我了﹐那我就會笑了﹐謝謝你一直愛著我…還為我生了個孩子…這些禮物﹐我想我是沒有機會親自送給孩子了﹐請你每年替我送他幾份禮物﹐包裝盒子上都寫好了送禮物的日期……親愛的…… 回到醫院﹐先生依舊在昏迷中。我把兒子抱過來﹐放在他身邊﹐我說﹕'你睜開眼笑一下吧﹐我要讓兒子記住在他爸爸懷裡的溫暖……'先生艱難地睜開眼﹐微微地笑了一下。兒子偎依在他懷裡﹐舞動著粉紅色的小手。我'喀嚓喀嚓'按下快門﹐淚水在臉上放肆地流…… 親愛的朋友們 :轉傳一篇感人的文章與你們分享,在你看完了故事,並哭紅你的雙眼時,請記得這個故事警惕我們,有話要講出來,不要憋在心裡,尤其是對於你所在乎的人。
Did u learn anything after reading this?
Did any of u really change ur thinking and start to take action after reading the story?
感动也只是那一刹那而已吧??  大家很快的又把自己的情绪平服下来,继续用原本的态度过生活了吧??


话说,今天下午2。30, 会议室里的欣欣正在昏昏欲睡时,警卫哥哥突然走了进来,告诉我们隔壁房里发现了可疑的包裹,我们必须移到办公楼的另一端,再等待新的指示。
过了5 分钟,警卫哥哥 再一次出现,表示我们必须要马上离开这栋办公楼,到公司campus 的另一端,炸弹 集合点 (可想而知,炸弹 集合点 就一定要离开所有的办公楼一段距离!)战战兢兢,拿起外套和手提袋就跟着人群走。(其实是不可以到回自己的座位那东西的,但是天气那么冷,怎么可能不穿外套呢??)一面走,就一面在想,会不会真的爆炸的???
哇!心想,这次应该很严重吧?? 因为我的公司连火警都没有演习过!因该不会炸弹演习吧?
等了20 分钟,被告知可以回去办公室了,原来只是一场演习!
cheh! 虚惊一场!
警卫哥哥 也演得太好了吧!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My New Book-Jamie's Ministry of Food

His cooking program is one of my favourite show! kekekeke whenever i get into MAS flight, i will choose his program as my first entertainment although it is only 1 or 2 episode available :)
Saw this book in sainsbury, just pick it up and plan to learn a few more new dishes :)
I will post the outcome of my trying on those succesful masterpiece :)
Pls wait huh ;)

Pesto Salmon serve with Spaghetti

Spread the pesto sauce(seasoned finely chop herbs with olive oil, i choose the coriander flavour pesto) over the salmon and Grill in oven.

Boil the spaghetti, finely chop the garlic and chili and some salami, tost it in the pan with olive oil.

Easy and delicious ;p

MAS Online Sales (10th to 12th Nov)

Wah, MAS sales again, very cheap ticket departing from KL!!!!!
Going Japan starting from RM1.1k to Max RM1.4k jek!!!!!
Coming to London is only RM2.3K!!!!
Who wan to come??????
come lar!!! book ticket lar!!!!!!
come come come!!!!!
How i wish we can fixed the date to Hokkaido and get the cheap ticket! but too many uncertainty liao lar........

Monday, November 10, 2008

Seaside at Pembrokeshire, Wales

Isn't it look like a piece of drawing?
Strong wind seaside, we pick up some small stone wanted to play the 5 stones game tat we used to play it when we are in primary school, but we forgot to take it out from the car.....

Seen in Pembrokeshire


Me and Rain in Pembrokeshire

The Burial Chamber, Apparently the stone is same as the stone in Stonehenge

Owh..aren't we look like a lovely couple?? kekekeke

St Davis, Cathedral

Graveyard with burung kaka tua (eh, what izzit call in english ar??) feel exactly like ghost movie...

Pembroke Castle

Pembroke Castle, where located in prembroke town and right in front of rain's house!
On friday night, we arrived her house at dark and i didn't notice that the castle is just right in front of her door across the road. The next morning when i open the door, i was shock!!!!
kekekekeke, our friend is just staying next to a castle!! geng ler...

3 of Us in Wales

The only photo taken for 3 of us, Rain, Sim and Seen
Behind is Pembroke Bridge :) have to pay 75p for toll!!!! Seldom see toll in UK geh loh...

Wales Trip 7th~9th Nov

Finally, I get to meet up with Rain! Look at her, she is concentrating driving us around with her little Mercedes! It was a sunny morning on saturday, so we open to sun roof :)
We finally get to taste the feeling of driving and traveling in UK. We miss PPL very much, who is also suppose to be in our plan last time where we talked about driving our way to scotland...
Anyway, I had a wonderful time in wales!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Back from Wales

In case u are worrying, i am back to home safely after the wonderful trip to Wales!
Traveling along with great companion and Met up with rain was the best!
Talk until 3am everynight and just cann;t stop chatting......
Wish i can have more time to spent there!
Wait tired..will upload photos tomorrow :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


欣欣要去威尔士玩咯!趁着这个长周末,与朋友一起结伴去探望小雨!感觉好幸福哦!!表妒嫉我!赶快call 你的朋友也来个聚会吧!!祝你也有一个快乐的周末!


周末,放下一切, 鱼 儿又逃避现实的 做一只鸵鸟!把头埋在沙堆里,暂时忘记一切的问题!
不管什么计划,什么打算, 一切都比不上变化!
假期过后,鱼儿又要再一次的把整副武装 穿上,乘风破浪去!


原本即将在12 月开始的FEED (Front End Engineering Design) 将会延迟到明年的9月!
心马上往下沉!原本还很得意的认为自己好运!搭上了这班直开5 年的大船!
一下子,大家都乱了阵脚!就连我的Lead 也不知道即将发生什么事情!
就连我一直很有信心的Oil and Gas industry 都因为这次的经济风暴而遭殃了~
可能会被放逐到那些Azerbaijan或 Kazakhstan 之类的国家吧!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


今天实在是一个很复杂的一天,一早听到了石井先生的太太过世的新闻,实在是感到很伤心!石井太太才53 岁而已,很年轻又很友善!想起当年刚到日本,他们把我请过去他们的家吃饭。石井太太的手艺实在是令我叹为观止!从前餐 到主菜 到甜品,无一不是费尽心思准备的!再加上那自制的梅子酒,实在是令人念念不忘!石井太太知道我们全部都喜欢喝梅子酒,每当她过来马来西亚的时候,一定会给我们带来她自制的梅子酒!实在是感动啊!!石井先生 是个很幸福的男人,石井太太 把他和家里照顾的井井有条! 石井太太的过世, 一定会对石井先生 带来很大的打击!我们大家都很担心他!!
另一边厢,我们的一个好姐妹Paggie ,今天平安的产下了她的第2个宝宝!更巧的是居然还和小雨同一天生日!大家都为了这件巧喜事高兴了半天!
希望宝宝可以健健康康 的长大!石井先生 和家人可以安然渡过这艰难的时刻....

(今天回电邮的心情也够extreme 了!两个那么extreme 的题目,心情必须转换的很快!有一点接近精神分裂的感觉!)

Bonfire Night, 5ht Nov

Today is the official bonfire night, everywhere in UK will have firework displace. Last yr we went to the Bishop Park at Putney bridge to see the firework.
Since i dun have kaki this yr, so i just go home, hopefully can peek some firework thro my window ler!
It was poping sound everywhere, just make me feel exactly like chinese new year time :)
kekekeke...cann't wait to go home to enjoy the chinese new year!

Belacan Asparagus and Eggplant

My friend give me a bunch of asparagus, to cook ler, except making the bacon asparagus roll..what else i can make ler?
Suddently tot of the chili oil that i just re-store and also the eggplant in the fridge...kekekeekek, decided to cook sambal chili fried with onion, mince pork , eggplant and also asparagus :)
Apparently the chili oil really taste similar to our sambal belacan loh, i used it to eat the Hokkien me and it really bring up the taste of the belacan loh...
So, here it is, another new dish added into my cooking book!
It is not only look great, but it really taste like what u eat in msia.
Personally, i think the secret of this dish is u have to add a bit of oyster sauce and sugar!
ofcos the standad soya sauce no need to mention loh.....
I think by using this chili oil, next time i can cook kangkung belacan lar, no need to go to bayswater to eat liao :)
Yummy yummy..
( i felt tat i always sendiri praised myself thro my blog and no one actually taste my cooking b4 :), oishii or not, only i sendiri know jek...kekekekeek)

Happy birthday, 5th Nov

First of all, congratulation to Paggie mama finally giving birth of a Mickey Mouse today!!!
Happy birthday to boy boy(ehm...still not inform by the name yet)!!(5th Nov)
Happy birthday to my sister Jia (5th Nov)
Happy birthday to my another sister Yee (5th Nov)
(okok, they are my blood related sister but they are not twins BUT they have the same birthday!)
Happy birthday to another sister, Rain( this is no blood related ji mui :)) (5th Nov)
Happy birthday to my cousin, Leong (5th nov)
Happy birthday to my friend, Vichetr (5th Nov)
Happy birthday to my cousin, Lay May (8th Nov)
why so many birthday in begining of Nov, just hv a chat with rain, maybe bcos of the CNY n valentine's period tat cos the baby blooming.
Nex time,I will check with paggie about the timing :P
I like scopion baby :) bcos it suppose to go well with Pisces :)

My Performance Review :)

Just done my personal performance review with my manager and I think I get a fair grade.
I didn’t expect much since I just join in June and I was only assign to my current project 6 weeks ago.
My boss judge my performance, technical knowledge and development in ‘ Met Expectations’,
which is the average grade where ppl falls under.

The grading system is as below
DNM- Did not Meet Expectation: Did not do what is expected in the current role
MM- Met Most expectation: Met most of the expectations; rooms for further improvement
ME- Met Expectations
CME- Consistently Met expectation: Consistently Met expectation, exceed some expectations
EE-Exceeded expectation- Consistently exceeded expectations.

I am quite satisfied if they can give me 5% increment to cover the inflation rate in UK.
At this kind of economy, I am thankful to have a safe job with steady income, but if get a higher increment, then I can save more money lar…

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another sad news

My deepest condolence to Ishii san and his family for the lost of his wife. I was in deep shock when i received Rain's sms informing me that Mrs Ishii pass away suddently. I remember her as a very gentle and kind lady who invite me and seow ching to her house for dinner when we first arrived Japan. I still remember the revoili that she made and also the dessert that she prepared! What a wonderful women! Over the years, Mrs. Ishii came over to msia to join her husband for our company trip and some annual dinner. I always admire for being s as a lovely n caring couple in the retirement age. I am so sad that things just happen so suddently. She was such a healthy and out going person! i think ishii san must be in great shock. I dun know how to express myself but i sincerely hope that Ishii san and his family will went thro this peacefully.

1995, Senior Middle 3 Science (3)

Found this photo in facebook, apparently received message from the Chong Hwa KL's page asking to provide the Class Photo, so i just click on the link and apparently someone from my class has submitted our photo...
kekekekekeke....everybody look so different in the photo, not sure u can reacognised me or not :P



Monday, November 3, 2008


家里的热水器坏了,很无奈。。突然感到很低落。。慢着!怎么可能!这么小的事情那里足以影响我的心情呢?是不是人老了情绪会比较容易波动呢?有时候就算是听了一些别人的遭遇,都会有一点哽咽,很多时候甚至希望听到的并不是事实。。。 近来一连接到好几个不太高兴的消息,心里总为朋友们担心,希望他们能够很勇敢地面对将来。
不知不觉,一年过去了,当初一起过来的朋友都 为自己做了打算,回去的回去了,要走的也即将要走了,就只有我决定留下。。。 我也不知道当初我是为了什么而决定留下的。。。现在又是什么把我继续留下呢?? 是钱吧?无可否认,过来后 是可以 把家里的担子减轻。。。
唉! 还是不要再想了,想来想去还是没有一个结果,顺其自然吧!! 总觉得我上辈子因该是做了些好事,这辈子托赖还过的还满顺利的, 桥到船头自然直吧!!

Winter Disaster- Boiler Malfunction

The most PK thing to happen during cold time is Boiler malfunction! AND! It happens to me now!
When i came home, i try to turn on the boiler, it trip..reset, trip ,reset, trip x (n).............
so finally fed up landlord, she gave me a number n ask me to deal directly to boiler man.... tomorrow have to call the boiler man, then make appointment to come to check, then quote to my landlady, then only can do!!! how long is this going to take?
I am freezing cold!!!! cos this boiler supply hot water and also centre heating to my house!!!!! now my room temperature is freezing and i have to wear thick cloths and socks to keep myself warm!
Just now i rush to sainsbury to buy a bucket and boil water for shower, damn, the tap water was too cold and the kettle water cann't even hot enuf to warm the tap water......i just cin cai shower jek.......
iayahhhhh, suffer lar!!!! very ma fan lar!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Another Weekend

So fast...sunday night i wish i can have a longer weekend ( what a greedy old women i am!!)
Saturday went out lunch with cousins, uncle and aunty that came from msia. After lunch, rush to do shopping at oxford street for Rain...kekekek basically only go in to Zara to sapu a few sweater for her , kekeke also buy 1 for myself too...(only 9 pound per sweater ler..), then go into Uniqlo to grab the thermal wear (again brought 1 for myself and also a set of winter pyjamas..kekek)
Rush home take shower and rush again to New Malden to join my chinese colleagues for a korean dinner.
This morning went out with friends to sapu many many balls...(ehm ehm, dun get me wrong, i mean fish ball, sotong ball, pork balls....and my favourite siew mai!! and also cahr siew pau, ofcos..all is frozen food lar) then went to meet friendsss, manage to meet a few more new friends for dim sum in wimbledon! Hei, the dim sum there not bad ne, next time no need to go so far to china town la..... can just drive to wimbledon n can eat dim sum and also do some chinese grocery shopping!
i found a good japanese restaurant and now a good chinese restaurant in wimbledon! Problem is when is my kaki coming back to enjoywith me ne???

My New Contact Number

Dear All,
Have u got my UK new mobile number? if u dun, pls leave me message and i will sent to u!
I hope i dun miss any of u out!

Dinner with Michelle in Sketch, London

The Egg/ Spaceship toilet!

When the toilet door close, it will have a sound effect like the coffin closing and there will be organ music playing while u are doing ur business...kekekekekek strange feeling, and sometime where will be background sound effect like ppl cheering and claping their hands just like they are watching u or u are in the candy camera...kekekekek..hope u get what i wan to mean :)Mocktail... (dun be surprise we dun take alcohol :))

Last thursday, Met Michelle in Oxford street, bring her to the restaurant that i met Maggie Cheung in london :)
The whole restaurant famous for it atmosphere and decoration!
Just look at the toilet that i manage to snap a few shots :)
for more photo, maybe have to wait until Mic send me email :)