Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ex-toyo/ Toyo Gathering

Thank you for arranging such a wonderful dinner.
Thank you for Joo who always be the Boss of Party!!!!
Thank you for Keen and Seow Ching, who drive all the way back from Kertih,
Thank you for Paggie, who is 8 month pregnant and still came out for the dinner,
Thank you for Michelle, who left her 3 kids at home and join us for the dinner,
Thank you for Ten, who share his latest Big dicision with us
Thank you for Eng, who left his wife at home and join us the dinner,
Thank you for the Lovely Couple that are leaving on 31st Aug to start their new life in Australia, to dig out the last minutes for the dinner.
Thank you for Martin, the really rare HH kaki to come all the way from Shah Alam.
Thank you for Christine, who jammed all the way to join us dinner,
Thank you for Jason...who still make his effort to come for 15mins at 1145pm :P
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!

Charlie's Angel

Brother's Wedding

Brother's Wedding on 31st Aug.

Will try to upload more info and photos later.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jet Lag

5am in the morning... what to do? i think i had been continuosly sleeping for the pass 24 hr. Almost the entire journey on the flight n another 5 hr t home. Cannot sleep anymore ler....Tats the problem of jet lag..
I used to consider myself had a high flexibility of switching my biological clock. I normally will just sleep more to overcome the jet lag problem. As i become older n older, i find it hard to do it again. I will feel dizzy for the rest of the day if i sleep more tat i could. I remember when i was in high school time, i can sleep up to 12noon!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


如果是短途飞机(少于8 个小时, e.g. Tokyo route),我会要求坐在窗口旁,应为我喜欢靠着窗口睡,而且我也只会上一次的洗手间。
如果是长途飞机(e.g. London route),我一定会要求坐在走廊边,方便随时起来走走,运动运动!
当我check in 时,我一定会问 这是否是个full flight?
当我坐下以后,我会开始希望没有人会坐在我的旁边,那我就可以 一个人独霸 整排的座位。
我一定会带travel pillow and Eye Cover。 当灯一暗下来,马上把小枕头吹一吹,把 眼套盖上,什么也不理,就睡觉去了!
当然,在这之前,我一定会喝一点酒,那就可以保证睡上至少6 个小时。
天啊!过了6 个小时,那还剩6 个小时,我该干什么呢?都已经睡得有点腰酸骨痛了!(人老了就是浆的咯!)
1. 再把自己再灌醉, 再睡都几个小时。。。
2. 看着手表。。 嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒。。。可能有机会再睡着。。
3. 看电视节目。。(advice: 最好再搭飞机前1个月不要去电影院看戏,又不然你得从看多一次!)
4. 打机(我不打的啦!)
5. 看书。。。。。。
6. 无聊发白日梦!
长途飞机 实在是很无聊。。如果遇上baby on the flight 那就啰命咯!

更啰命 是要在短短的两个星期搭上两班的长途飞机,一下子,人都老了几岁!!!不知道要用多少时间来re-charge battery :)


Thursday, August 21, 2008


嗯。。 怎么讲呢?不错,我是从11 岁起就没有在家里住了,
其实我是一个很念家的人。小的时候去姑姑家 玩, 我会突然 哭着想回家。
姑姑和姑丈到现在还会拿这个 来开我玩笑呢!
11 岁,第一次离开家,到学校寄宿时,我差不多每天晚上都躲在被窝里偷偷得流泪。
11 岁的一个小女生要适应离乡背井的生活,学会如何跟室友们相处,如何在那令人喘不过气的考试当中生存,
那种坦的不安的心情,(我妹称之为Fire, 就好像被火燃烧式)相信也只有过来人才可以体会得到吧?
心里总觉得自己还是那个11 岁的我,还是那么的盼望每个可以回家的周末。。。

Monday, August 18, 2008

Christmas Planning.........

With Rain-chan planning to return to UK soon, all my traveling mood has been provocated liao...
Icthy icthy wanted to go for traveling..beh tahan to stuck anymore longer without proceeding with our Europe Tour 2 and one month one country mission.....
First thing came into my mind, the long christmas break.......
Since Both of us are going to have 12 days off! from 25th Dec till 4th Jan!
Tak akan we stay at home geh!
Last yr we had a 7days Italy trip, so this year we also need to plan something extra-ordinary :)
1st thing came across my mind....Skiing!!!!!!!
yeah yeah yeah! never been to skiing b4!
Shd be fun (and lots of pain too maybe...) but just wan to expereince at least once in the life time.
OKOK, target setted! will move towards the target accordingly!!!!!!

I am going home

I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home, I am going Home on friday night:) arriving KLIA Saturday 530pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am truely really speachesless Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Congratulation to Siaw Ching and Chee Keat

My Best Uni-mate finally decided to tie the knot on November! Congratulation!!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Road Tax Renewal

I just try to renew my Road tax online, just a few click and key in a few information, the road tax renewal is done and they will sent it to me in 5 working days! Easy !!!!
Incase u are curious, my road tax is 66 pound per 6 month or 120 pound per year...i think it is very cheap comparing to malaysia, I used to pay more then 1K per year back home.
So, I am on AWW again and i gonna take care a friend who came all the way from Paris.
U all have a nice weekend!

Something wrong with the counter

I have been notice that my visitor counter has been jump quite a big gap in the pass few days!
I saw more than 100 view per day i got, which i think it is impossible.
Normally it is only 20 to 30 view per day and now i see about 100 view per day....
dun think so many people intereted on my story pun....
好邪啊! izzit bcos of the The month 7 of luna calender now??? high tech pun huh......
ops...soli, soli...有怪莫怪!细路女晤识世界!soli soli :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

British Summer??!!

Cold!!! Very cold!!! today temperature is 18degC, is this suppose to be summer?? how could 18degC be a summer temperature??? Where the summer gone?? Better fast fast go home to enjoy the beautiful sunshine in Malaysia!!! Wait for me, I am coming back soon, really soon!!! I wanna eat eat eat eat!!!!!!!! Japanese, Thai, Malay, Chinese....all i want is just to eat everything!
Greedy me, sure i complain i put on weight when i return to uk, but, Who cares!!!! muahaahhah

Monday, August 11, 2008

Strawberry with Chocolate Mud cake

Am I over endure myself too much?
OKOK, this is the last dessert I had in my fridge, I will not take any dessert until i go home.
OMG, i need to loose a few more pounds to fit in to my dress.....

Petrol Price in UK

I am surprise to find out that petrol price in uk are not the same. It is control by individual petrol company and even individual petrol station. Eg. the Shell in place A will have a different price with the Shell in Place B.
Over the weeks, i see price change almost a few days once, the lowest i can get is from the Sainsbury station outside my hosue at 114.9p per liter, the higest i saw is 119.9p per liter.
And all the big supermarket are happen to be the petrol station owner like Tesco, Asda, Morrison and Sainsbury all having promotion on the oil price. For instant if u buy more than £50 in sainsbury, u get a voucher to cut 5p off from ur petrol ,(means 114.9-5 = 109.9p per liter)
Having say so, if u compare malaysia petrol price at RM2.70 now, I think the petrol in UK is cheap if u compare only on the figure. If I earn £3K per month, i will be happy to pump the petrol compare to if i earn RM3K per month, i will have to pump RM2.70 per liter of petrol.
So now u know y i bought the car ler.
And this tiny small car doesn't comsump much petrol, 1 liter can drive more than 10miles! So the journey from home to office is 2x 5.4mile, which means 1 day i spent a pound for petrol, which is actually cheaper then taking a train!!!!!! and rememberI also have alternative friday off ler?
Basically i work about 21 to 23 days per month, which cost me not more then £25 per month for my petrol, whereas my monthly train pass cost me £54 !!!
I m glad that made a decision to buy the car....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Cooking

Try to make Dumpling
Not bad shape huh?
Try to do the japanese style, but obviously need more practice :P
Korean Fried Rice cake :), geng ler :)
Burger with onion

Didn't do any special thing over the weekend, but in order not to dissapointed u guys, just post some of my home made meal over the weekend, all prepare by me ^^V
Wanna have a try?

KFC Nasi Lemak Wrap??

Apa ni?? I accidentally click on the banner of the msn and i say this advertisement!
OK, can someone pls let me know is this KFC Nasi Lemak Wrap good??
I am a fans of KFC and also nasi lemak (my used-to-be Daily breaskfast at the back lane of the IMC building..)
So this new idea is really interseting!!!
Oh, i miss KFC, there is no KFC in my town :(,
I have not eat kfc for a long long time :(.
Miss those time we go to the nearby KFC tower for KFC lunch and also sometime the KFC in KLCC b4 movie!
oh, i am going home soon to eat kfc!! (do i really wan to eat kfc if i go home?? oh no.....!!!!)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mama Mia, (The Movie)

If u are the fans of ABBA, If u wan to have a look on 1 of the gorgeous Greece Island, If u wan to see Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan singing, U wan fun and relax time with a bit of touching storyline, Go for Mama Mia, the Movie!!!!
U will surely enjoy it!
I enjoy it so much especially all the famillier song from ABBA that always played by our favourite clubbing place, the Rum Jungle ;)
Somehow i cannot stop laughing when i see Pierce Brosnan singing......James Bond singing wor....strange ne....
Especially for PPL, who is going to miss our Europe trip 2 to Greece, go and watch Mama Mia and envy us la.... (iayer..chuen-nya!!) or buy a ticket to come to join us!
muahahahahahha.....i am such a devil....

Grand Opening of the Olypmic

Waoh! waoh! waoh! I was really impressed by the open ceremony!!! It was stunning and breathtaking!!! I am pleased that i took half a day off to watch the ceremony!!! really worth spending few hundrer ringgit of manhour to watch it once in the life time ne!
Welldone China!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


七夕 情人节快乐!!! 哈哈!为什么每当我们想起农历七月,第一个念头总会想起盂兰节(就是鬼节啦!!!)为什么不浪漫一些,联想到是七夕呢?牛郎与织女 相见于 喜鹊桥!! 嘻嘻!
------- 无聊-----------
还好英国的七月并不恐怖,也不阴深。。 少了那路边烧剩的蜡烛 和那 飘在空中的烧焦味!英国的夏天有着最长的白天,幸运的话还有蓝天白云+暖暖的阳光。。。。

08-08-08 Beijing Olympic Open Ceremony

I am please to announce that i am going to take a half day off in order to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic!

" One World One Dream!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Saturday Outing with High Sch friend!

Kwang Lim and Wife, Me, Meng Fei and wife and Son celebrating 1 yr old Birthday!!
I think he likes me :), really have a great taste in such a young age!孺子可教也!有眼光!

Recent Cooking

Sesame Oil with Spring Onion and Ginger Chicken (麻油姜葱鸡)
Oyakodon (亲子井)Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl, Oishi!!!!!!!!
I am so satisfied (again!!) of being able to cook this by following the online recipe!!
Zhen zhen Oishi des!!!!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Picnic-Lots of Food!!

The most intersting part of the trip is the food! All of us bring some food and it ended up soooo many food for only 4 girls..
We have sushi, spare ribs, bbq chicken wing, Tomato salad, stuffed eggs, fried noodle, yam sponge cake, water melon and honey lemon, parsimon fruits, yorgurt, orange juice.....
Looking at the people sitting next to have, all they are having is just sandwich and fruits.... muahahahahaha, i think they really envy us! We eat and talk and eat and talk.......

Inside and Outside the Castle

First time in my life, i try to walk in a maze! interesting! and u really can get lost inside the maze and somehow u will manage to walk out from it.....strange :)

4 Pretty girls in Leeds Castle :)

Introducing 3 of my new friend in KBR that came from China. Sorry guy, all 3 not available :p

Leeds Castle, Kent

Sunday, I took my little Peoguet 206 for his first trip to Leeds Castle in Kent. Total Journey is 177km and i did it for a day trip :p
Someone told me that Leeds Castle is one of the Oldest caste in England.
For my opinion, the castle is a bit dissapointing as it is quite small... But i manage to enjoy myself with those girls chit chatting and eating....